Respect The Wildness of Animals

Book cover 2nd Edition

The second edition of Red Flag Warning: An Eco Adventure had just been published! The story follows the adventures of three special young people from across the world, the wild animals that are part of their lives, and the terrible threats they face—threats that will affect them and the entire world. The teens, all scared by wildfires, struggle with deeper wounds to their self- image. They must learn to respect the wildness of the animals they love and find their own voices, along with the power of community, in their mission to protect the animals they love

In what way does the book inspire compassion and respect for animals in the readers? Three teens Aisyah from Sumatra, Hector from California, and Kirri from Australia, dedicate themselves to the challenging task of rehabilitating a Sumatran orangutang, a Rock wallaby, and a Peregrine falcon–all severely injured in wildfires. To accomplish this mission to return them to the wild, they must acquire knowledge, respect, patience, and empathy for the animals with whom they have bonded.

Sumatran Orangatangs

What inspired you to write about animals? Red Flag Warning opens a gateway for young people to feel empathy toward animals in the wild, empowering them to take action to help animals thrive and survive, and ultimately to preserve the biodiversity of life.

Peregrine falcon

Does the story weave in other themes? Absolutely. The wildfires are fueled by climate change resulting in the destruction of the natural habitat necessary for the survival of the species.

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The Last Whaling Station

Whaling Station Ruins

A Visit to the Setting of the Story

Reality met the setting I imagined on my trip to the Last Whaling in the US, San Pueblo Point, East Bay California. This is an excerpt from The Gray Whale's Lament after my trip.
Chapter 8. The Last Whaling Station
They drove on the freeway through heavy traffic and then across the long, roller coaster-like San Rafael Bridge. Nearing their destination at Point Molate Naval Base, they passed an old air raid shelter with castle-like brown brick walls covered in vines.
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The Winds of Change are Calling

Cicular forest wind

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