Who Kidnepped The Koala
The Adventures Of The Sizzling Six: Who Kidnapped The Koala?



Fourth in the series: Sizzling Six Eco Mystery.

Daredevil Rose Perez is thrilled to be spending Christmas vacation with her family in Australia, home of the endangered koalas. Soon after she arrives, Rose stumbles upon two koalas abandoned in a garbage can. Were they kidnapped? Is someone trying to rescue them? Why are koalas disappearing from the eucalyptus trees in peoples’ yards where they once lived? Why are their numbers decreasing in Australia? What does it all add up to? One thing is certain—it’s an eco mystery, and Rose, with the help of Riley Benjamin, her determined Australian cousin, must thread her way through a maze of clues. Rose bravely follows the clues even when they land her in dangerous situations. It’s an emergency: koalas only live in Australia and if they become extinct there, they could vanish from our planet.

The Printed Book Comes Alive!

Print Books come Alive in our newest publication: The Adventures of The Sizzling Six: Who Kidnapped The Koala? Experience an innovation that seamlessly combines the reading pleasure of print books enhanced with videos and photos from the Internet without interrupting the flow of the story.